
What will it cost you

What will it cost you to get your child assessed comprehensively at the Dyslexia Association of India™

The first thing we would like to share is that, it is our belief that all parents would like to know and understand their child’s strengths and development gaps in order to effectively support them in very concrete and actionable ways towards academic as well as life success.

We would like to come straight to the point, where it comes to a comprehensive assessment, which is a detailed Psycho Educational, as well as a Neuropsychological assessment of the individual’s cognitive brain and ability.

You can expect a cost ranging between 19,000 - 35,000 rupees based on the number of tests that are conducted, as these tests are original and very expensive.

Assessment for "Specific Learning Disability” for adults - Specifically for

1. IIT/JEE combined Entrance Exam
2. National Institute of Design (NID)
3. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) UCEED - Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design
6. GRE
7. All Government and Private Engineering and Medical Colleges in India
8. Universities in the United States , Canada and Europe.
9. All universities - Government and Private in India

And those 18 Years and over involves tests that are quite expensive and the costs are Slightly Higher but have the benefit of 100% deduction from taxable income under section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This means that what is paid is an IT deduction and can be claimed by any taxpayer – individuals, company, firm or any other person.

Also We do not charge more than the licence fee of each test - as it is not for profit.

Also whatever is charged is used for Dyslexic and Autistic children from the poorest of the poor families.

As a rule based upon the recommendation of the American government, as well as the European academic system, the following tests are mandatory, to be able to assess a child and reach a conclusive decision regarding any learning disability or any other neurological disorder that may exist. These are the same, which will be conducted by me personally.

List off tools for diagnosis

1. Wechsler intelligence Scale for children – IV or (V)
2. Woodcock Johnson IV: tests of cognitive abilities (WJ-IV COG)
3. Woodcock Johnson IV: tests of achievement and oral language (WJ-IV ACH/OL)
4. Kaufman assessment battery for children – 2nd addition (KABC-2)
5. Comprehensive test of phonological processing -2nd Edition (CTOPP-2)
6. Wide range assessment of memory and learning -2nd Edition (WRAML-II)
7. Beery Buktenica development test of visual motor integration (Beery-VMI)
8. Test of auditory perceptual skills (TAPS-3)
9. Conners Performance Test (CPT-3)
10. Test of visual perceptual skills (TVPS-3)
12. CLEF-4
13. Wechsler individual achievement test –III
14. KTEA-II (math’s computation test)
15. Tests of variables of attention (TOVA)

If your doctor is conducting a simple IQ test, and a simple Bender Gestalt test, let us categorically be clear with you that the assessment is not valid and does not constitute a screening for a learning disability.

A screening, which is cheaper, is not necessarily the best, and you should consider a screening as an opportunity to understand your child's strengths and weaknesses and not a formality that the school has requested for.

uch too often I have seen parents trying to search for an easy way out and actively seek out someone who can conduct a brief perfunctory testing to meet the requirement. This is not only incorrect but you are also playing with your child's future and life.

The average cost of a comprehensive assessment, in the United States of America, or the United Kingdom, of the above tests can range from $5000-$7000.

I have a policy of assessing, only 1 child in a day, and I do it personally, as well as I write the report personally and it is a copyright report, that cannot be used by anybody or reproduced by anyone. The report can be around 64 to 70 pages in length, and the report is valid for presentation to any foreign university including the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia to mention a few.

If you would like to make a booking, to have your child assessed, you can call me on my direct number 91- 8826022886, and I would be glad to be of assistance, but please do not call me to negotiate on any prices.

Dr. Prof. G.B. Singh